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9th-12th projects:

War Times Newspaper: This project aligns to H/SS standards for high school history classes in World History or U. S. History that cover the study of World War I and World War II (understanding the causes and consequences of the wars, analyzing the effects of the wars, etc.). The sample project is a "newspaper" using a newsletter template in Word with pictures from the database corresponding to the articles that students would write about both wars.

World War I
World War II




Your High School/ 111-123-4567

World War I Ends!
The purpose of a newsletter is to provide specialized information to a targeted audience. Newsletters can be a great way to market your product or service, and also create credibility and build your organization's identity among peers, members, employees, or vendors.
First, determine the audience of the newsletter. This could be anyone who might benefit
from the information it contains, for example, employees or people interested in purchasing a product or requesting your service.
You can compile a mailing list from business reply cards, customer information sheets, Business cards collected at trade shows, or membership lists. You might consider purchasing a mailing list from a company.
If you explore the Project Gallery, you will find many publications that match the style of your newsletter.
Next, establish how much time and money you can spend on your newsletter. These factors will help determine how frequently you publish the newsletter and its length.

Allied Leaders Meet to Sign Peace Treaty
The purpose of a newsletter is to provide specialized information to a targeted audience. Newsletters can be a great way to market your product or service, and also create credibility and build your organization's identity among peers, members, employees, or vendors.
First, determine the audience of the newsletter. This could be anyone who might benefit from the information it contains, for example, employees or people
interested in purchasing a product or requesting your service.
You can compile a mailing list from business reply cards, customer information sheets, Business cards collected at trade shows, or membership lists. You might consider purchasing a mailing list from a company.
If you explore the Project Gallery, you will find many publications that match the style of your newsletter.
Next, establish how much time and money you can spend on your newsletter. These factors will help determine how frequently you publish the newsletter and its length. It's recommended that you publish your newsletter at least quarterly so that it's considered a consistent source of information. Your customers or employees will look forward to its arrival.
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